
Juanita Johnson-Bailey, who holds the Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship, is the Director of the Institute for Women’s Studies and a professor of Adult Education in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy at The University of Georgia. She is the author of Sistahs in College: Making a Way Out of No Way (2001), which received the Phillip E. Frandson Award for Literature in Continuing Higher Education and the Sadie T. Mossell Alexander Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Black Women’s Studies. Dr. Johnson-Bailey is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, a Houle Scholar, and a Lilly Teaching Fellow. She has lectured nationally and internationally and her most recent book is a co-edited text, the Handbook on Race and Racism in Adult and Higher Education: A Dialogue (Sheared, Johnson-Bailey, Colin, Peterson, and Brookfield, 2010).

Johnson-Bailey specializes in researching race and gender in educational and workplace settings. She has made significant contributions to the literature in adult education and women’s studies with over 100 publications, which include journal articles in Harvard Educational Review, Teachers College Record, Journal of Negro Education, and the Journal of Higher Education, and chapters in The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education, the SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, the Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching for Education, and the Handbook of Transformative Learning Theory.

Areas of Expertise

  • Adult Education
  • Women's Studies
  • Qualitative Research
  • Black Feminism


  • Johnson-Bailey specializes in researching race and gender in educational and workplace settings



  •  Ed.D. in Adult Education, 1994
    University of Georgia


 706-542-6600 (office)

Awards and Accolades

Career Achievement

American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Commission of Professors, 2018

University Professorshp

University of Georgia, 2018

Eleanor Roosevelt

American Association of University Women, 2015

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship

University of Georgia, 2010