Tarek Cy Grantham


Dr. Grantham is a Professor whose research focuses on equity for under-represented students in advanced programs, recruitment and retention, creativity policy, mentoring, gifted Black males, multicultural education, motivation, and parent engagement. Dr. Grantham co-edited Gifted and Advanced Black Students in School: An Anthology of Critical Works (2011), and Young Triumphant and Black: Overcoming the Tyranny of Segregated Minds in Desegregated School (2013). He has provided leadership through the National Association for Gifted Children (e.g., Special Populations Network, Javits/Frasier Teacher Scholar Program), the Council for Exceptional Children (e.g., the Association for the Gifted Div.), and the AERA (e.g., Res. on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent SIG). Dr. Grantham served as Program Coordinator for the GCE on-campus and online graduate degree programs. He is the husband of a wonderful woman, Dr. Kimberly Dillon Grantham, and the proud father of Kurali, Copeland, and Jovi Grantham.



  •  Ph.D. in Administration and Supervision, Gifted Education, 1997
    University of Virginia
  •  M.T. in Secondary Education-Foreign Language, 1991
    University of Virginia
  •  B.A. in Spanish, 1991
    University of Virginia


 706-542-4110 (office)