Zuchao "William" Shen
- Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology
I earned my Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a focus on Quantitative and Mixed Methods from the University of Cincinnati. Prior to that, I completed my M.S. degree in Economics of Education at Peking University in Beijing, China, and obtained my B.A. in Educational Administration from Henan Normal University in Henan, China.
My primary research interest lies in developing innovative research methods and enhancing education systems for greater equality and efficiency. In the realm of quantitative methods, my research is dedicated to refining the design and analysis of causal studies through the development of frameworks and tools. This line of inquiry aims to facilitate the development of effective and efficient experimental studies in education and psychology, exploring intervention effectiveness, mechanisms, and conditions, particularly focusing on populations and contexts where intervention effects are most significant. My applied research focuses on evaluating the impact of educational systems on individuals across the lifespan, seeking to enhance equity and quality of life through systematic reforms.
In my teaching and mentoring roles, my objective is to inspire positive change in student learning and career development. I achieve this by employing active and experimental learning methods in my courses and engaging in collaborative research projects with students who share similar interests.
Beyond academia, I find joy in running, playing basketball, cooking, and engaging in carpentry work.
Areas of Expertise
- Experimental Design
- Optimal Design
- Replication
- Multilevel Modeling
- Moderation and Mediation
- Educational Policy
- School Psychology
- Economics of Education
- Ph.D. in Quantitative and Mixed Methods, 2019
University of Cincinnati
Research Summary
Representative Publications
- Shen, Z., Li, W., & Leite, W. (in press)
- Psychological Methods
- Shen, Z., Leite, W., Zhang, H., Quan, J., & Kuang, H. (in press)
- The Journal of Experimental Education
- Shen, Z., Curran, C., You, Y., Splett, J., & Zhang, H. (2023)
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 45(1), 134-156
- Shen, Z., & Kelcey, B. (2020)
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 45(4), 446–474
Awards and Accolades
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), 2023
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division D, 2023
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division D, 2021
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), 2021
National Academy of Education (NAEd), 2018